2 Jul 2016

Restoring two armcrairs

  Happy July, everybody! Time is flying and here the summer is half way through.

This is what I began with! The color used to be
quite bright blue.. :)
  Today I'm going to tell you about my armchair restoration project! :) I just love trying new things and taking challenges.
  Often I start my crafting projects because I need something. These two chairs were old and used till broken. The fabric had burnt through, the screws of the arms were loose and one arm was cracked in the middle. So instead of buying new chairs and throwing these away, or getting them to be restored by a professional furniture restorer (for the price of 500 € each PLUS materials.), I went to buy some fabric at the local shop and got cracking, once again! ;)
   I bought all of that fabric that they had and it was a serious work to get all the needed pieces cut out of it as the piece was so small. But with little enough extra in for the seams and it appeared to be snugly enough to cover up my chairs! :)
  The seat and the back are separate, but stitched together from the sides for cosmetic matters. I first sew the back, but only half way in order to fit on and to be sewn when on place. (the back is slightly wider at the top, so the narrower bottom wouldn't have fitted.) It was still kinda hard to fit on; with furniture the fabric needs to be as tight as possible so they don't crack up during the first time you sit on them.. Looks messy too if it's grumpy all over

   When the back was sewn on, I sew the seat together with sewing machine. Then pulled it on the chair as tightly as I could and attached the fabric under the chair to the wooden structure with staple gun. Must be few hundred staples per chair, reeeally close to each other.
  Next I glued in the fallen-of piece to the broken arm. (Of course I detached the arms first and ripped off the old fabric, or what was left of it..forgot to mention.)  Then I screwed them back on with their original screws, as they still were perfectly straight and functional. There was the first one done! Then I just repeated every step carefully and this is what I ended up with!

And the end result! :)
   Luckily, I can say that I've (so far) received only nice feedback of the comfortability (is that even a word..? ;) ) and looks of the chairs! I'm happy with them too, and I saved almost 1000€ for the fabric cost approx. 60€ (not sure, but definitely not over 80€!)

  Cheers! Keep up with new posts! More coming soon! :) If you'd like to ask something, I'm more than happy to answer all your questions and requests! Please leave a comment below or email me directly at craftsmanmusical6@gmail.com Thanks!

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