28 Jun 2016

The wooden bench and a word about recycling

    Hello everyone! How´s your summer going so far? I have to say that in Finland the weather has been lot nicer than last two summers when it snowed on the mid-summer day.. Not normal even in here north.

   So this bench is a project made of a wooden horse I had when I was little. It had been just lying around, so I wanted to come up with a way to reuse the materials. The woods ended up being just enough for a bench to fit on our terrace.
   I first planned a bit and then started to saw and sand the needed pieces. Luckily I got to lend my brother´s sander to make it easier. I drilled holes for the screws but my power drill was about to "die" at the moment, so it didn´t let me get the screws in properly... Oh, did I mention that I love hand-drilling?? GRRH..!  Well I got it done somehow and it´s nice to have a bench to sit on when I´m outside. :)
   I only bought the paint for this project, so again no huge total cost :). I painted like 3 or so layers to get better result for being outside in all weathers.

    Hmmm.. seems like I don´t have too much to say about this.. So I shall write about my passion for recycling!  For me it´s really important to produce as little waste as possible. I´ve told many of my friends the basics for recycling and they are now somewhat doing it :). I´m actually quite pist of about the fact we still don´t have a recycling bin for plastics nearby. I was supposed to come in every town in the beginning on 2016. Well, at least we have bins for paper, cardboard, glass, metal, usable clothes and biodegradable waste.
Not liking the view AT ALL!! Please stop this!
(taken from internet)

  But I don´t think that everybody understands that even though we have the possibility of reusing all those materials, it´s still NOT ecological to buy things you don´t need, use material too much because they don´t care. IMO the biggest problem is that people just don´t care. And also wasting clean tap water is common in public buildings, like schools. People think that as long as they aren´t the ones who pay for the water, it´s fun to just let it run with no actual purpose.

  Yeah, it wouldn´t matter if there was only you. But there are almost 8 billion other people out there, so it´s not so simple anymore... Let´s put it this way: If one person dumps 1 CM3 of general waste just somewhere, it´s no problem, but when ALL the 8 billion dump 1 CM3  (Come´on! One cubic CM!!) It makes 8 000 000 000 CM3 of waste dumped just somewhere. That´s same as 8 000 cubic meters. That is an amount of waste that indeed has an impact to nature. And we´re talking about everybody dumping just one cubic centimetre.. We produce waste much more than that in one day. It´s said that in Finland, we produce 300 kilogrammes of general waste per year per inhabitant. So that´s closer to one kilogramme per day. And we in Finland are generally seen as ecologically living people. And it goes on and on. So there´s a bit more waste dumped somewhere (seas included, that´s just disgusting!) than the 8 000 cubic meters. There´s a lot more just for one person than 8 000 m3.

   So what could we do? What could you do? We could start to CARE. We could start to care about what we use, how much and do we really need it, even when someone else is paying. It´s the future of us all you´re affecting, dude!
   Here are a few everyday things you could easily do, and even save money as an extra!

-Stop using plastic bags! Buy a couple of good quality fabric shopping bags and you´ll save the environment AND money in the long run. Plastic is one of the biggest problems. Again, it might be just you, but it helps as very likely many people do it, so it prevents producing many tons of plastic waste per year!

-Don´t buy things you don´t need and then throw it away! If you´ve just bought, say, a new winter jacket, and it´s good quality and your winter really isn´t that cold and you spend most of the time indoors anyway, don´t buy another one just because it´s pretty.. You´ll save money as well!

-When you shower, turn off the water while you use shampoo etc. It saves tens/hundreds (depending on your hair´s length) of liters of water. That´s a HUGE save!! And you know that clean water is expensive, so needles to say, you save a lot of money!

-When grocery shopping, think if the product is local, if it´s even possible to produce locally, how it´s packed and DO YOU NEED IT? Ok, local food might be little costy, but with those other things I mentioned above, you´ll save so much money that you´ll still could buy local food and in total, save money.
   Also remember the packaging: Prefer non-packed or cardboard-packed products over plastic-packed ones. I think it´s a little hard in the USA, though..Correct if I´m wrong!
  Then the product itself! This needs a little more research if you are´t yet aware, but is worth it! For example people may believe that rice is good for you, good for nature, but it isn´t! I mean, it´s good for you in some aspects but for the nature, it´s rather bad. It needs to be watered so much that it could as well be grown in a lake. But you know, they use tap water or other relatively clean water for that. So please, do world a favor and eat barley/potatoes/etc. instead.

-And also, try to save electricity when you don´t need it! (Yes, even when you´re not the one who pays) Turn off the lights from rooms where there´s no one in there, don´t run dishwasher (etc.) half empty, don´t over heat your apartment to like 30 celsius (86 Fahrenheit). Something like 20 C is enough (68 F). If it isn´t, please stop being naked ;).

   So there´s just a few things to get you started! They are easy and think it by the money aspect, so it might become more interesting to you, if you don´t know so much about nature. Of course I hope you´ll adopt these (or at least one of them) ideas to help save the environment, if you don´t already do those things (If, then good for you!! I appreciate it!). I hope that you include, and share, your own ideas too.

If you have any questions or opinions you want to share, I´m happy to discuss them with you via email or comments! ( craftsmanmusical6@gmail.com )

  THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! Stay tuned, care, and I´ll be right back!! :)

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