17 Jun 2016


Hello everybody! Welcome to my new blog "Crafts´n´Music"! I`ve been planning on starting a blog for about a year now and I finally got inspired enough to actually do it. This blog is quite much about everything I do-in other words: guitar playing and crafting. I´m a Finnish craft-mad, who always gets to accomplish the craziest ideas..(I´ll go through them in my oncoming posts) It´s very usual for me to just go to look at all the leftover material from my former crafts and start making something that normal people wouldn´t even try..Sometimes it´s a success, and the other times...well at least I don´t spend extra money.. ;) Or then I just get "the most wonderful idea of the decade" and try and make something with inappropriate, limited tools and small budget and see what happens. When you don´t have too much money to spend, you have to improvise!

  Then my other passion: Music... so I´ll be writing about that as well. I just started playing the electric guitar last fall and I have to say IT´S FREAKING AWESOME! Of course I- once again -had to learn playing the hardest way.. So I´m trying to learn it self-taught, using guitar tabs I found on the Internet. So far, so good! But I guess that if you play several hours a day and totally enjoy it, you can´t go wrong. I got so carried away with the guitar that I even applied into an upper secondary school with music-theatre emphasis. (It´s approximately 100km away from my home so I´ll have to move there and start taking care of everything myself..heheh..) There was an entrance examination in May the 11th. There I had to perform something related to music or theatre, so I decided to play "Stairway to heaven" by Led Zeppelin on the guitar and sing at the same time.. Probably didn´t screw up too badly ´cos the results came yesterday and I GOT IN!! To be honest, I was truly and happily surprised... Music is just magical, isn´t it?!

  I still have to say most likely all the posts will be a combination of crafts and music, as I very often like to blend them. I may also post tutorials (especially if requested) and reviews, we`ll see. Feel free to comment, ask questions and suggest a post topic. Hopefully you enjoy reading this blog! Thank you!

  Oh, and in the picture is my lovely Yorkie, Iitu. Thanks to my friend for taking the picture!

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