21 Jun 2016

Review: Vox amPlug2 (ac30)

*Taken from the Internet

NOTE:This is NOT an advertisement.

   Hey guys! Yesterday I was unexpectedly too busy to write anything.. But here I am! With the review I promised for you!

   So I have bought the Vox amPlug2 ac30 model a few weeks ago. It is a preamp to be connected to either headphones or a small speaker. There is also an aux joiner among the joiner for headphones. Now that I´ve had some time to test it, I thought that why wouldn´t write a review for all you who are thinking abaut buying one.

   I think it´s mainly made for temporary practicing in places where you can´t use a normal amplifier. And that´s where it does it´s job nicely!

   It has 3 built-in effects that are changed with the button on the top. (Clean-chorus-delay-reverb-....)
The on/off switch works also as a channel changing button. The color of the led changes with the channel. (Green=clean, Orange=tremolo1, Red=Tremolo2) It runs with two AAA batteries and comes with one pair of them in the package.

  So far I haven´t run across any bigger issues using this device. I would recommend it for use in a block of flats etc. or while travel if you like to take your guitar with you.

  Here´re some features I listed:

Good sides:
+It´s perfect for practicing in a flat
+The plug can be rotated in 5 different positions according to your guitar. (one position is for storing; plug facing the back of the device.)
+The batteries last up to ~17hours of playing.
+With headphones the sound is surprisingly pleasent. It recreates the sound of the original ac30 well to it´s size
+It has 3 built-in effects. (chorus, delay, reverb) with 3 variations for each effect. I haven´t yet discovered how the variations work, though.
+Three channels:Clean, light tremolo and hard tremolo; all usable in their places.
+Adjustment for volume, tone and gain
+Looks nice
+It is really compact
+It's freaking fun to play with!

Bad sides:
-All the pots (vol.,tone,gain) have to be at least around 3-4 (from 0-10)  or it won't give any sound.
-Poor sound quality with speakers bigger than headphones.
-The pots are quite much like many Les Paul pots- loud-loud-silence
-The jointers are pretty tight
-There's not much directions for adjusting in the users manual

  In it's all, it's a good and useful device. This review is written with the size of the device in mind. And it won't break the bank when you buy it! :)

  Cheers! If you have any further questions, please leave your comments below or email me at craftsmanmusical6@gmail.com!  See you soon!

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