18 Jun 2016

Review: Crimson Guitars, Stunning stains

 NOTE:This is NOT an advertisement! 

  In my first guitar build (Check previous post!) I used the "Stunning stains" by Crimson Guitars to stain a sunburst finish on the flame maple top. I used the crimson red and the black. 

  So here´s a long list of good sides and only few bad sides.

Good sides:
  + I was really impressed of how well and evenly these stains spread.
  +Already the first layer gives you a nice, even color, but it can be easily built up with additional layers, that still spread evenly.
  +They are easy and safe to use. They are water based so they can be used indoors. (In the bottle it says that drinking it is probably safe, but they don´t recommend it.. hahah.. ) 
  +They don´t smell AT ALL! 
  +They don´t change color during drying. This really helps as you know already while staining what it will look like when dry.
  +Beautiful range of colors. (And testing-sized sample bottles are also available!)
  +They come already mixed and ready to use.
  +It penetrates the wood really well; it doesn´t get off with wiping (even with a wet tissue) when dry.
  +The sample color chart on the website is accurate. (Stained on maple or something similar I guess)
  +The black IS black. (This is actually quite unusual in stains. The stains that are sold as "black" appear to look more like dark brow or dark blue..)
  +One bottle lasts forever! The picture above is taken AFTER I had already stained the guitar with several layers! (That is also why they have stains on them..)
  +Appropriate price. They can be bought even for smaller budget projects, but it doesn´t affect the quality. And when you count the fact that it stains several guitars etc. it´s really affordable.
  +Fast delivery (abroad).
  +They don´t rise the grain much.

 Bad sides:

(Really can´t come up with bad sides of this product..)
  -There should be smaller bottles available (something like 100 ml or so) for one-time-users. The 250 ml ones are too big and the samples (5 ml ?) are too small.
  -It can´t be mixed with solvent-based lacquer for spraying, ´cause it´s water based. (OK, that´s obviously made up for I did´t have anything else bad to say.. I mean it´s still true, but I really don´t care about mixing it with lacquer...don´t own a spray gun yet..)

   So you can see that I was very pleased with these stains. I´m definitely going to buy the other colors for my next builds and would recommend them to everybody!
  And here I´m being nice for Crimson Guitars and link their online store for you guys!

THANKS! Check out my other posts and please return for new ones! If you have any questions or you´d like to suggest a post topic, please comment below or email me at craftsmanmusical6@gmail.com . SEE YOU SOON! :)

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