24 Jun 2016

The national T-shirt competition 2015

   Last spring I attended a national (Finland) t-shirt competition where the job was to update an old t-shirt. I made mine from two tank tops, a green and a black one. Then I completed it with small squares made out of old furniture fabric samples I got from my uncle.
   There were two competing groups: for younger people and other one for 13-28 years old people, which was suitable for my age. A few hundreds attended the main category among me. And guess what? I won!! I did´t expect to win. Honest! So when I got an email telling me that I had made the #1 shirt, I was just confused at first. The prize was a Pfaff sewing machine! And I can tell it´s amazing!

...And some links to Finnish websites about this topic.(more pictures there)..



   There are also more pictures behind the links, for you who don't speak Finnish. (And I DO understand if you're not going to learn Finnish... It's one complicated laguage, I can say!)

  And that wasn´t all. They asked me to model my shirt in last summers "different fashion show".
The host was Saimi Hoyer (you might have heard of her. She´s a Finnish ex super model) who wanted to have a chat with me, very unexpectedly. I was so "shocked" that I couldn´t say everything I was wanting to say.. :/ So that was in the rehearsals.. In the show itself she talked with me again and said "We´re going to hear from this young designer in the future!" and smiled! I was really touched of a person, who´s seen as one of Finland´s fashion icons, says like that. Just can´t believe it! Awesome!! :)

  So this sort of things keep us craftsmans doing what we love! Just like a great audience keeps performers performing. Trust me, I have noticed that even having an audience in the first place feels just... magical.. You know when you've experienced it yourself. :)

  ...And as you can see, I keep the business going, hoping that someday I can do this all for a living. Make all kinds of crafts, build guitars, play guitars, buy guitars, look at guitars, eat guitars... Oh wait... Not eat them, though! Would break my teeth and in my opinion would be a huge waste of fine art! (Also dunno why some guitarists smash their guitars in pieces. I could never do that to my guitars.... ;) )

  Ok! That's all for this time! I love having you here. Stay tuned and let me know what you think! (craftsmanmusical6@gmail.com

(update 1.7.2016) I just met my summer job employer and she told that Saimi Hoyer had just sent greetings for me! She had even remembered my name... :) I don't know what to say! Speechless!

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